St. Benedict's Brew Works

Pray. Work. Brew.

Mon - Wed
Thu - Fri
860 E 10th St
Ferdinand Indiana 47532

Rotating craft brews on tap to quench your thirst
Online store to shop our unique merchandise
Freshly made comfort food to satisfy your appetite
Community events to bring us together



Located in the beautiful rolling hills of Ferdinand, Indiana, our brewery is dedicated to creating delicious craft beers and serving delectable comfort food to feed our community. Pray, work, brew. . .that's our motto.

Introducing the Benedictine Beer Guild A Year of Fun Experiences

Ever since we opened the brewery’s doors in the fall of 2015, we have been asked to form some sort of a Saint Benedict’s VIP beer club for our customers. Over the past several months we have thought about what we might be able to offer in a program that would give our biggest fans, near and far, some pretty unique benefits and experiences related to monastic brewing. We also want to attract folks interested in abbey beers from around the US and world. So, here at the beginning of 2021, we are ready to kick off the Benedictine Beer Guild. Registration will continue through March 21, the anniversary of Saint Benedict’s death. Membership will be annual and will begin on April 1 and will continue through the following March 31.

Guild Membership Includes:

• Benedictine Beer Guild Membership Polo Shirt.

• Teku Beer Guild glass.

• 64-Ounce Stainless Steel Growler embossed with the Benedictine Beer Guild name and logo. The growler can be filled 6 times a year with any beer that we have on tap.

• Unlimited 20-ounce pours in any of our taprooms at the 16-ounce traditional pint price.

• First access (day early) to special release beers throughout the year, including a Guild members-only special release in summer.

• Late summer or fall beer picnic for guild members and tour in Ferdinand. Date to be announced when virus fades away.

• Fall train excursion on the Spirit of Jasper, followed by beer tasting at River Centre.

• Two bombers each of our two Christmas beers in November and two bottles of our Dark Souls Belgian Quad in December. That’s a total of six bombers.

• 15 percent discount on all brewery merchandise throughout the year.

For Guild members outside the immediate area, the brewery will hold on to bombers until members can pick them up.

Guild membership is $250 per year. A membership card and Guild beer glass will be given or mailed to members with growler in March. We’ll communicate with members through a monthly newsletter. Online registration will be available later this week. Until then, you can be among the first to join the Benedictine Beer Guild by calling the brewery at 812.998.2337. Call us with any questions.

St. Benedict, Pray For Us

Sign Up Today!

Our Beer is

100% Delicious

We create a variety of craft brews to suit each palate. Whether you're into IPAs or dark stouts, we have what you need.

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